Τρίτη 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2017


Stay safe on the roads at Christmas

     If you're driving don't drink!

If you plan to have a drink at Christmas, please leave your car at home.
Remember, if you have been out drinking, you may still be affected by alcohol the next day; sleeping, eating, having a shower, drinking a cup of coffee or other ways of ‘sobering up’ will not help - it takes time, so don't drive!
Driving after drinking can have devastating consequences and can easily result in a loss of life. All too often we attend road traffic incidents which have life changing impacts on families. Please keep yourself, your family and others safe.

Driver safety - mobile phones

It’s illegal to use a hand-held phone or similar device while driving, or riding a motorcycle.
The rules are the same if you’re stopped at traffic lights or queuing in traffic.

The facts

Studies show that drivers using a hands-free or handheld mobile phone are slower at recognising and reacting to hazards.
Even careful drivers can be distracted by a call or text – and a split-second lapse in concentration could result in a crash.
Using hands-free devices

  • You can use a hands-free phone while driving but you can still be prosecuted if you’re not in proper control of your vehicle.
  • Hands free for calling is permitted when used safely, through technology such as Bluetooth and in-car voice activation.
  • Mobile phones may also be connected to car “infotainment” systems – but the driver must not hold the phone at any time while driving.
  • A mobile phone can be used for navigation if it is hands free and should be securely mounted in a cradle.

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