Τετάρτη 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017


Can schoolbags cause problems ?

 Parents, doctors, and educationists all over the world are worrying about the weight that children have to carry, and the effect it has on their backs, shoulders, and general health.  Children are carrying, books, notebooks, stationery,  maybe water and lunch, gym shoes, sports equipment etc.
Parents may don't realize the real size of the problem and why  so many of children have aching backs and shoulders.A recent study found that more than 50% of the schoolchildren studied had pain in the back or shoulders.  The researchers also found that children in lower grades carried heavier bags.
Carrying a heavy bag on the back causes  bad posture which can lead to  pains and aches in the back and shoulders.  Carrying a backpack weighing 15% of body weight makes a child or adolescent unable to maintain proper standing posture.  Children could get into bad habits like poor posture and slouching.
Children carrying bags weighing more than 10% of their body weight have been found to have poorer lung function.
Children who use one strap bags (which put weight on one shoulder only) have particular problems.  These bags cause sideways deviation of the spine (scoliosis) because of the asymmetric weight distribution, and this can cause long lasting back aches and damage.
  • Choose a schoolbag with broad, padded straps.  
  • Satchels and bags with one strap cause asymmetrical distribution of weight on the spine.  This can lead to long term back pain and other problems.
  • The child should always use both straps of the school bag.  
  • Bend at the knees with the back straight when lifting the bag.  Lift with the legs, not the back.A child should not carry more than 10% of his own weight on the back for a prolonged period.  The schoolbag of an 8 year old weighing 30 Kg should weigh 3 Kg or less.

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