Frequently asked questions about HPV
HPV is usually transmitted
through intimate sexual contact between partners. This includes
skin-to-skin contact or touching the genitals of a partner (penetration
is not required) or during genital, anal or oral sex.
HPV can also be transmitted by sharing contaminated sex toys. If sex
toys are to be shared they can be used with condoms, as long as the
condom is changed each time a different partner uses the toy.
HPV can also rarely be transmitted during childbirth from the infected mother to the baby
Yes. Anyone who is sexually active is at risk.
Yes. Anyone who is sexually active is at risk.
The age groups associated with the HPV vaccine relates to the groups
they were tested on. It is not an indication of the age group for people
at risk of HPV
You can’t. HPV often doesn’t
present any signs or symptoms, which means that you won’t be able to
tell if your partner is infected or not
The Government of Canada has
approved HPV vaccination for use in Canada. This decision was based on
many clinical trials and studies showing that it is safe. Over 50
million doses of the vaccine have been given in North America. Other
than minor side effects (like pain from the needle), people who get the
vaccine are not at risk for major complications.
There is no virus in these types of vaccines, which means that you
are in no danger of getting HPV when you get vaccinated. The vaccine
does not contain any live or dead virus, nor does it contain any
preservatives, latex or antibiotics, thimerosal or mercury.
HPV vaccines are not recommended for women who are pregnant or
breastfeeding, people who have certain blood conditions, or people who
have an immune disorder. Speak to your health-care professional to see
if you are the right candidate for vaccination or to discuss any
concerns or questions you may have
The HPV vaccine contains a fluid
that has tiny empty particles that mimic HPV but do not cause infection
or cancer like real HPV might. After you get vaccinated, your body
quickly starts making antibodies and white blood cells to fight against
the types of HPV it protects against. Vaccination triggers your immune
system to fight the fake HPV, making your body more prepared to fight a
real HPV infection if and when it occurs.
HPV vaccination requires two or three injections in individuals
younger than 15 and three injections in individuals 15 and older, which
must be given by a health-care professional. After receiving the first
injection, you should plan to get the second injection two months later,
and the third injection four months after that. In the case of only two
injections, you should plan to get them at least 6 months apart and
within 12-15 months. You must receive all doses, whether two or three,
to be sure that you are protected from HPV.

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